The water which is heated, and boiled should be used for drinking purposes. Ayurveda recommends having lukewarm water for drinking purposes. This water helps to reduce fat and helps to digest food and previously undigested food.
Whenever we are thirsty,we usually drink cold water or tap water .People living in cold regions prefer drinking warm water. But what is the exact way to drink water and how much water we should drink. We see many people propagating about water without any scientific base.Do we know about this? we need to understand the theory behind this.
It is very important to know about this as we drink water daily. Nobody can live without water. To understand the scientific approach, we need to know about what is recommended in Ayurveda as it is our traditional ancient science.
Ayurveda recommends hot /warm water for drinking regularly in all seasons except in the summer season. In the summer season we need to cool the water and use it for drinking.
We may think how does it matter actually? But if we observe people who drink warm water are more healthy and do not fall sick on and off. What should be the reason?. If we drink warm water, it does not cause any harm to the body and maintains the harmony of the body. Warm water after drinking gets absorbed and comes into circulation.
Warm water helps to digest food, reduce fat and also helps to digest previously undigested food if any.
Warm water is also useful in people suffering from cough and cold, asthmatic conditions and fever.
Warm/ heated water is always beneficial for healthy individuals. It is advantageous for people suffering from any disease condition and a must for ill people.
Warm water has to be prepared daily. It is good to consume on that day only. It should not be consumed on the second day as it is unhealthy.
In hyperacidity, this warm water should be cooled and then used. Cooled warm water is also useful in persons suffering from a burning sensation in the body, diarrhoea, vomiting and vertigo
Quantity of water
How much quantity of water a person should drink daily? What happens if we drink more than the required amount by the body?
We may feel that it is ok if we drink as per our wish. But here is an important aspect of the quantity of water. Ayurveda advises us to drink in minimum quantity as per the thirst. We should follow our thirst, but not on the various theories.
We should avoid drinking too much of water as we may have water intoxication and may suffer different unhealthy conditions.
We always hear that one should have 2 or 3 litres of water daily. But we should not follow this.
Every individual has a different constitution, work pattern and different atmosphere. We need to concentrate on the urge to have water. If a person is wandering in a hot summer, working hard physically, then he/she needs to have water in more quantities depending upon the thirst.
If we drink more, we may have oedema over the body and our kidneys exhaust unnecessarily. Also, our digestion get hampered.We lose our appetite.
We can take sips of water throughout the day if we are not thirsty for a longer period. This helps to keep the metabolic functions of the body.
We should educate our family and friends about this and follow the rules regarding water to have a long healthy life.