Good food– Superfood
In today’s era, we are all having busy life schedules. We get very little time to think about our food and the quality of the food we eat. Due to this, we are neglecting our daily intake of good food.
Food is a substance consumed other than water and drugs for the maintenance of the health, well-being, and vitality of the individual. Ayurveda has propagated some food that needs to incorporate into our daily food or can be consumed on a daily basis. We can call this food a superfood or good food.
Why is it necessary for us to consider this food daily?
Why is it important to have this food?
The answer to these questions is that these superfoods/good food maintain the harmony of the body. They balance the metabolism of the body. Due to their nature, they will keep up the body systems in healthy condition. The most important quality of this food is that it does not create any diseases and maintains harmony in the body. It in fact helps to lengthen your life span, rejuvenate and nourish the body and help us to lead a long healthy life. Regular consumption leads to increased strength of the body. It also helps to build the immune power of the body.
Ayurveda recommends the following food items to incorporate as daily food.
1. Shashtika Shali (rice) is a good source of energy, protein, minerals and B-group vitamins. Rice proteins are rich in lysine, which is an essential amino acid to other cereals proteins.
2. Green gram balances the harmony of pitta dosha in the body.
3. Saindhava lavana (rock salt) increases appetite and adds taste to the food. It is considered superior to normal cooking salt as it has less water retention capacity thus considered good for those suffering from cardiac diseases, hypertension, and renal diseases. It provides all the essential trace minerals and greatly improves the body’s immune system.
4. Amala (Emblica officinalis) is the most concentrated source of vitamin C in the plant kingdom. The active ingredients in Amala are ‘phyllemblin’, gallic acid, tannins, pectin, and ascorbic acid (Vitamin C). It is well known for its ability to boost the bio-availability and absorption of calcium for yielding healthier bones, teeth, hair, and nails. It also improves the assimilation of iron for healthy blood. It is especially nourishing for the eyes, heart, and digestion. Amala is also extremely effective for balancing stomach acids. It helps to protect from disease and reduce the possibility of premature aging. It protects the liver.
5. Yava (barley) It helps to keep the body nourished. It is a very good food for obesity and Diabetes. It increases the strength of the body and eliminates excess fat.
6. Cow’s ghee is easier to get absorbed. It can bond with lipid-soluble nutrients and herbs to penetrate the lipid-based cell walls of the body. It balances Pitta-Vata dosha in the body, good for voice quality and the complexion of the body. It improves memory, Buddhi (intelligence) and enhances stamina, and promotes longevity
7. Cow’s milk is one of best-rejuvenating food according to Charakacharya . It has a fine blend of all nutrients. It is a good source of protein, fat, sugar, vitamins, and minerals. Milk protein contains all the essential amino acids. It is also a rich source of calcium. It improves mental and physical strength.
Acharya Charaka states regular intake of Cow milk with ghee is best among the anti-aging substances.