If a person has enough strength then he can handle the situation of stress which may be bodily stress or mental stress. Now let us discuss the food we ingest.
The strength of our body depends upon the food we have. Now daily we have a variety of food. So what would be the quality of the food which can give us strength? Which are the food items which can give us strength? or what is the right method to cook the food which would give us strength? When should we have the food to get energy from it? In which season, the ingested food can give us energy? What things should be avoided to have good body strength?
What are the different observations that need to be followed to have better strength of body while having food?
We may think of all the above questions to have the strength of the body. Ayurveda emphasizes the food we eat. Ayurveda mentions not only strength but a person’s complexion also depends upon the food. Just as the tree is because of the roots, in the same way, the life of a person depends upon food.
Quality of the food
The food which gives us strength should be of six tastes.A person should have all six tastes included in the food. What are the six tastes? they are sweet, sour, salty, hot spicy, bitter, and astringent. One should include all six tastes in food to gain maximum strength.
If a person consumes only one taste of food daily like sweet or sour in diet then he will be weak .He will not have good strength.